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Why you need to know your geyser information

(Updated 17 July 2024)

A geyser is one of those fixtures most of us can no longer do without, being reliant on the convenience of a ready hot water supply. Most geysers are out of sight and out of mind, and all too often we simply forget about our geysers until something goes wrong.

It is important to know certain facts about your geyser to ensure that you are armed with sufficient knowledge when it requires repair or replacement to ensure you are not subject to poor workmanship or worse.


Kwikot is a trusted household name in South African water heating systems. While other – very competent – products are available, much of the information below has been sourced from Kwikot’s website.

On the 08th June 2001, Government Gazette issue 22355 presented notice number 509 and regulation 7079. These publications made it law that all electrical water heating systems must comply with SANS 10254. This standard demanded – amongst others – the installation of a drip tray with a fitted overflow pipe that leads to the outside of the building and vacuum breakers to be installed on both hot and cold-water pipes.

Every geyser has an identity tag which includes vital information about the geyser and the manufacturer. Information on the geyser tag includes specifications of the geyser such as various electrical facts and figures; product installation info such as whether the geyser is designed for wall or floor, horizontal or vertical installation, and a serial number and a code.

The geyser code presents vital information about the history and warranty of the geyser. A Kwikot geyser code comprises three sets of information, each of which carries a specific meaning. An example of a code is: 11-K-3.

  • 11 – Refers to the month of manufacture of the geyser. In this case, November.
  • K – Indicates the year of manufacture. ‘I’ is 2006; ‘J’ is 2007; so ‘K’ is 2008.
  • 3 – Reflects the warranty period of the geyser. In this case the shorter warranty period of 3 years,

Property owners must take cognisance of this information to ensure they are aware of the details of their geyser, especially as it pertains to the manufacture date and warranty period. In the event of a failure, the owner may need to ensure that the contractor called is a manufacturer qualified or authorised contractor in order to safe guard the warranty.

Geyser capacity

Insurance cover also works according to the capacity of the geyser. Insurance cover limits are set according to the volume or capacity of the geyser and insurers will only pay on a like-for-like basis. Most insurers will require the tag information be completed on the claim form.

Understanding warranty conditions will help to avoid compromising them is a wise decision by a property owner. A basic warranty agreement will include conditions similar to those below:

  • Installation of the geyser must comply with SANS 10254
  • All repairs/replacement must be completed by a qualified or authorised contractor
  • Only genuine manufacturer-recognised parts should be used for an installation.
  • The geyser should be under shelter and not exposed to unnecessarily sever climatic elements
  • Water supply to the geyser must be equivalent to the quality of main Metropolitan supply authorities

For most of us, our geyser is an integral part of our home and we rely on it for our comfort and sanitation. Geyser replacements represent the most claimed for fixture against residential property insurance. As such should we not be paying more attention to them?

Author: Bruce Gibson

Addsure is a leading sectional title insurance broker. Get fit and proper advice from advisors who understand sectional title.